
Fiscal Year Report

2022 Fiscal Year Report

The fiscal year for cattle ranching concluded on the June 30th, 2022. This report includes a summary...
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Carlos H. Fernandez Mazzi
Fiscal Year Report

2021 Fiscal Year Report

The fiscal year for cattle ranching just ended June 30th, 2021. This report includes a summary of...
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Carlos H. Fernandez Mazzi
Security Tokens

Security Tokens Market Cap Hits $800 million

As the security tokens industry’s market cap has surpassed $800 million, and the goal of surpassing...
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Claire Millward
Climate Finance

Review of World Bank report – “Opportunities for Climate Finance in the Livestock Sector: Removing Obstacles and Realizing Potential”

The World Bank recently published a report entitled“Opportunities for Climate Finance in the...
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Claire Millward
Fixed Income

The Finka Token - an ERC20 token that generates a regular fixed income with predictable returns

In a recent Linkedin article, Dr. Johannes Schweifer (Co-Founder of Bitcoin Suisse AG as well as...
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Claire Millward

The Current Heightened Interest in the Crypto Arena

Phillip Sander (Founder of the Frankfurt School Blockchain Centre) has said: “If the world is...
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Claire Millward
La Pradera Ranch

Achievements at the La Pradera ranch during Q4 2020

Q4 of 2020 was characterized by growth and achievement at the La Pradera Ranch as well as for...
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Claire Millward

Q3 Update: Significant Accomplishments for Finka Token

We recently released our Q3 investor update to our circle of investors, and wanted to share the...
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Carlos H. Fernandez Mazzi
Future of Finance

How Asset Tokenization is Democratizing Capital

Throughout history, access to capital — the lifeblood of business — has been limited to privileged...
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Carlos H. Fernandez Mazzi

October 2020 Update 2

We recently released our “October Fact Sheet” – giving news updates and information about...
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Claire Millward

October 2020 Update 1

The Finka Token team is excited to report that notwithstanding the global events of the year, 2020...
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Claire Millward
Future of Finance

Security Tokens and Financial Impact — The Future of Finance

The principles of finance will not be changed by blockchain, however, the future of finance will...
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Carlos H. Fernandez Mazzi
Global Food Demand

Global Food Demand is Rising – Can we meet it?

Did you know? Over the last 100 years – the global population has increased fourfold. In 1915, there...
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Claire Millward

Q2 2020 Update

 The end of Q2 represents the end of the fiscal year for cattle ranching. As we close our books, we...
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Carlos H. Fernandez Mazzi

Security Tokens are bringing safety and reliability back to Cryptoassets

The digital asset market has for some time been dominated by Bitcoin – in both market capitalization...
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Claire Millward
ESG Investing

ESG Track records: a huge deciding factor when high net worth individuals are deciding to invest

“Embedding environmental, social and governance factors into capital markets makes good business...
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Claire Millward
La Pradera Ranch

Life on La Pradera Cattle Ranch: Reaping the Fruits of the year’s work

At this time of the year (in the middle of autumn and the beginning of the dry season), the...
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Dr. Pablo Diaz Saubidet DVM
Impact Investments

The Rise of Impact Investing: The World’s future depends on it!

Impact investing has gained traction among a wide range of investors who include the world’s largest...
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Claire Millward
Alternative Investments

An Alternative Asset Making a Difference

Innovation and technology are disrupting traditional institutions, affecting all areas of everyday...
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Claire Millward