
October 2020 Update 2

Claire Millward
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It’s been an exciting and successful year at the La Pradera Ranch, and for the Finka Token team. We are also excited to report that CV VC has added the Finka Token to their digital assets portfolio, and we see this as a tremendous milestone. 

Our founder, Carlos H. Fernandez Mazzi has just spent two very successful weeks in the Crypto Valley in Zug, Switzerland, meeting with various key players in the Crypto Valley – showcasing the token and discussing the future of finance and digital assets. 

We recently released our “October Fact Sheet” – giving news updates and information about developments at the La Pradera ranch, as well as clarification on the finer details of investing in the Finka Token. 

To help our future investors, we’ve put together concrete answers on the most commonly asked questions:  

Frequently Asked Questions

1.     How can I verify the authenticity of assets (cattle) that back the token?

We use a third-party audit firm to verify the cattle operations. Furthermore, investors are welcome to personally visit the ranch.

2.     Why is it a good time to invest in the cattle industry?

Global demand for animal protein is growing as a result of population growth and improved living standards, especially in high population countries. Bolivia has a cost-competitive advantage for export market expansion to China and other Asian countries. 

This asset has little to no correlation with traditional asset classes (equity, bonds etc.) and therefore is an attractive addition to diversify an investment portfolio.

3.     Does the Finka token qualify as a security? 

The Finka token meets the definition of an asset token, which is considered equivalent to a security token as defined by FINMA, the Swiss regulator.

4.     How do I purchase a Finka Security Token?

Using the ISIN number/ Valor Number: CH0576241092 / 57624109, your bank advisor can purchase the token easily from InCore Bank, Zurich.

5.     How can I store Finka Tokens safely?
The funds for your investment will remain safe inescrow at Bank Frick, until the tokens are issued to you or the bank you’re holding the tokens in custody with.
Depending on your bank’s policies, the tokens can be sent to a private wallet that you manage in a suitable manner. When doing so, you will need to provide Finka and your bank with a related bank account.
6.     More information about La Pradera
Nestled in the heartland of Bolivia, the La Pradera ranch is a mature cattle ranch, with over 20 years of continuous growth, cash positive operations and recognized for its quality. It has over 3 000 hectares of premium grassland and more than 3 500 head of cattle. 

Our team is on-hand and ready to assist with any of your questions! Please get in touch with us at info@finka.ch, or read more of our FAQs at: https://finka.ch/en/faqs